Homeland Security
Here is the first sermon in a series about Heaven by Judah Smith. It's based off of John 3 , where Jesus has a conversation with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. In it, Jesus says, " No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man." Judah points out that Jesus was the only One who lived on earth after being in heaven, and the series is about what life in that context would be like, and what would happen if we adopted it. I'm really excited to share this series. It has profoundly changed so much in my life. There are so many great things said here - too many to write down; so I definitely encourage a listen: John 3 Jesus says He is the first to live on the earth, after He has existed in Heaven (verse 13) This must have changed the way Jesus lived His life And would change our way of life profoundly if we could have this mindset Hebrews 11 - People who, by faith, looked forward to a home beyond this earth. We are j