The other day my Dad sent me a picture of my future step-brother-in-law's college graduation. We went to the same school , but I missed my ceremony because I was driving back from my last semester at the Los Angeles Film Studies Center . I didn't really get too involved in my college, having gone to another one my freshman year and also being a commuter, so I didn't feel terribly connected to the school. However, seeing the picture made me ask myself, Did I regret anything about my college experience? Would I have done something differently? I think regret can be a dangerous thing. I remember having a friend in high school tell me he never regretted a single decision he made. How he could go through life not wanting to do anything differently? Even at this young age, I felt I would have liked to have done some things over again. It has taken several years, but I am only recently understanding the wisdom in his statement. Still, I reflected for a moment, and couldn